Controlled chaos at Google
(tags: google innovation methodology)
NY Times > Young Internet Producers, Bankrolled, Are Seeking Act II
Profile of Jay Adelson and Kevin Rose, founders of Digg and Revision3, an internet video production company
(tags: diggnation revision3 kevinrose startup web2.0)
Lifehacker > Get a free college education online
An extensive set of links for online college courses, lectures, etc.
Startup Review > Case Study: Rotten Tomatoes
A case study of Rotten Tomates, one of the leading movie sites on the web.
(tags: startup entrepreneurship)
GrandCentral, One Number… for Life
Allows you to set up a local phone number and associate it with your cell phone, work phone, and home phone. You can customize the voice mail message, set up different rules for different caller groups, access voice mails online, etc.
(tags: webtools productivity phone)