Tracking “Thankful” on Twitter

About a half hour ago I saw this on Twitter from @misc:

tracking “thankful.” call me a hopeless sap but there’s something heartwarming about all that gratitude & happiness streaming in.

I decided to do the same. Here’s a snapshot of what people on Twitter are feeling thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

me: track thankful
twitter: You’ll now receive updates matching ‘thankful’. To stop, send ‘untrack thankful’.

(andreamercado): Thankful for friends, life, and staying in a hotel for 2 nights.
(inateapot): happy thanksgiving, all. so much to be thankful for!
(davidj): Happy Turkey Day! Love your families and count your blessings. Today is a day to remember all that you have to be thankful for.
(anitamartini): Thankful that someone else is nice enough to cook for us today.
(lejonprime): I am thankful, for family and friends, a job and home, an imagination and places to use it. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
(iamcrissy): Thankful for life, health, and the love that surrounds me!
(jennyhow): What are you thankful for today?
(iamcrissy): Thankful for Jesus Christ saving me from further self destruction and making me brand new! Love you Lord!
Sent at 9:19 AM on Thursday
twitter: (mysterymika101): am thankful canine Ruby made it back home after sniff through the neighborhood now she insists2b carried up/down 3 flights her paw z hurt
(misc): thankful that i can think of so much to be thankful for that if i posted it all i’d probably lose half my followers [wink]
(Yxes): Happy T-day to my US tweets! G’day to all the rest of youz! I’m thankful for you ALL. xoxo
(roswellsgirl): Every day, everywhere should be a day to be thankful. Happy Thanksgiving wherever you are….[smile]
(sandysage): Happy Thanksgiving to all! I have so much to be thankful for and you all top the list!
(itsbriiibaby): Happy thanksgiving everyone in the us and i suppose everyone else too…it’s always good to be thankful. updates on everything later [heart]
(mysterymika101): that dog weighs about 25lbs it is good exercise for me- I am thankful for poor Ruby the diva allergy bladder stoned dog
(wordwill): Thankful: Coffee and Pie. (More as I am thankful.)
(RAYNBOOOsocks): So I can do this from my e-mail? Awesome!
I have sooo much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!
God is sooo awesome!
(joepemberton): Thankful for yum yum.
Sent at 9:25 AM on Thursday
twitter: (ElectricSoul): Happy Thanksgiving everybody. What are you thankful for?
Sent at 9:26 AM on Thursday
twitter: (AaronMarshall): Thankful that some pilgrims and some indians managed to get along.
(Mokey): Rob, my fish, cat, dog, home, brother, parents, family, friends, VidMos, NaNo, job, books, music, theatre…What are you guys thankful for?
Sent at 9:27 AM on Thursday
twitter: (mysterymika101): thankful to see my children growin up/ told my sons to keep living when I have passed like Kanye West said his mom wouldn’t want him cancel
(flyingg): I’m thankful i know good people like each of you. Happy Thanksgiving!
(CindyNG): Surfing the web on Thanksgiving – thankful for the web!
(gparmer): Headed to n-laws for turkey. I certainly have lots to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving all!
(richhand): Happy Thanksgiving to all. Baking smells filling the house. Thankful for love, life and laughing.
(misc): thankful for my computer. even though i talk a lot of shit about me, it does so much for me, and has seen me through thick and thin. [smile]
(CoachBart): I am thankful to have befriended and bonded with two very special people in my life who I love unconditionally, Jared and Crissy.
(darrylw4): An FTF! Something else to be thankful of today.
(sillygoat76): I’m thankful for a healthy family, a good job, my tractor and a reasonably sane (most of the time) life.
(CindyNG): Ready to go visit my brother’s family to day! Thankful for him and them!
(GrammarGirl): Thinking thankful thoughts for my friends (online and offline), family, health, and luck.
(arstechnica): [Front Page] Six things to be thankful for in technology, 2007 –
(davidbadash): Is thankful 4 friends who wake him up too early to go to the gym
Sent at 9:31 AM on Thursday
twitter: (absolutwade): America is taking the day off to be thankful. See? we still have a soul.
Sent at 9:33 AM on Thursday
twitter: (billiejeane): How I do live some turky and butterscotch cookies. I am thankful for my family. A group of people who’s love stays consistant. My Love’s.
(ericatgimptv): Happy Thanksgiving everyone, very thankful for my family, friends and my new fiance!
(clevelandrachel): I’m thankful for my soar muscles after the 5 mile turkey trot!
(rjbudke): Things I’m Thankful For: Hi Def TV
(MYN): Just a quick Happy Thanksgiving and Aloha to everybody before I head down to the beach!! I’m thankful for all you twitteratti.
Sent at 9:36 AM on Thursday
twitter: (Suki_MHC05): @newmediajim Enjoy & Happy Thanksgiving. My mum said 2 tell u she is thankful there are people such as u bringing us the news on holidays.
Sent at 9:37 AM on Thursday
twitter: (flotsamjeffsam): Twins Fans Wait to See What They Should be Thankful For
(LeStew): ahhhhh…too much stuff to be thankful about!!
(techpickles): thankful for friends, family, and all things computer and interblarg related
(FANLESS): At this moment, I am thankful for Anberlin!
Sent at 9:42 AM on Thursday
twitter: (Natalto): Awww!! I’m so thankful for you too baby! I love you!!
Sent at 9:43 AM on Thursday
twitter: (marianas): I’m thankful for: family, friends, books, TV, NaNo, VidMos, my dog Sam, the internet, my home, food, & so much more
Sent at 9:46 AM on Thursday
twitter: (Flap): is THANKFUL. (from Facebook status)
(itsparis): happy thanksgiving everyone! i’m thankful for all of you and all of this!
(engrish): Podcastjunky_uk: In addition I who appreciate am not turkey today: -): podcastjunky_uk: Also thankful I’m..
(Tojosan): @hotdogsladies what an image. [smile]
(savvysuzy): Let me know what you’re “Thankful” for:
JasonCalacanis: what are you thankful for online?
(grobertson): I’m thankful for too much to list. Cheers and happy to all my friends!
(pfunder): I’m thankful for huge zip lock bags for brining 25 lbs turkeys.
(alexknowshtml): laundry put away (something to be thankful for, for sure), almost ready to head back to mom’s for food and family-time.
(PMSHarlequin): Happy Day of gluttony, football, family and friends! I’m thankful for meeting great people like you! Happy Thanksgiving!
twitter: (puppybraille): Feeling thankful that my BP and heart rate are normal, and the patch seems like it is worth continuing to persue.
(planetsab): @JasonCalacanis thankful for The Gang [nose wink]
(Oiche_Shamhna): Thankful for The big chair from Jeff and High def Go Green Bay
(Dayngr): @JasonCalacanis I’m thankful for old friends and new and those who go out of their way to help others through their online experience!
(NathanaelG): I’m thankful for the awesome cold weather, vidmos, NANO!!! EVEYTHING!!!
(misc): thankful for rock and roll!
(schulz): I’m thankful my girls are both healthy
(PodcastJunky): @Barely I’m thankful for a husband who is not into football. He’s watching “Cars” with the kids.
(schulz): I’m thankful for kimberly
(tkdblackbelt): Food with gravy and pie…how could I not be thankful!
(CathyBrooks): [seesmic] What does it mean to be thankful? –
(cortland): From my blog: Thanksgiving 2007: I have a ton of things to be thankful for this year – Kris..
(hellyes0): I’m thankful for having woken up so late. And the fact that I finally might feel better if just rest today.
(jennimi): Alice and the rest of the boys on the Group W Bench are thankful for life.
(jennimi): Alice and the rest of the boys on the Group W Bench are thankful for life.
(mjyazzie): Thankful for Pierre Herme white truffle macarons in Paris. Yum!
(mager): Doing laundry, and pretending to clean my room. Thankful for independence.
(susanreynolds): Brunch done, football watching continueth. I’ll be thankful if we can keep micro-management man out of the kitchen for just an hour or two..
(chris2x): Five Things I am Thankful For
(nzle): I am thankful for my new gold lame leggings and silver lame track jacket, as well as my black sequined miniskirt and white eyelet minidress.
(etesla): Thankful for stamina, sweeties, imrpoved health, an end in sight, new beginnings, future adventures, and never being bored.
(jeremyvaught): New blog post: Happy Thanksgiving, a few people I’m thankful for
Sent at 9:58 AM on Thursday
twitter: (GaryLaPointe): HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!: Drive Safe! Eat Lots! And don’t forget to Be Thankful! I know like can get cr..
(jasonvo): Happy Thanksgiving to all in the U.S.! I’m thankful for friends and am amazed at how many great friends I have made through social media.
(cedorsett): Deus ex Machina is #6 and Night Terror is #7 bestselling Scifi Shorts at Amazon, I am so thankful, Black Moon Rising not listed yet
(rikomatic): BLOG: Muchisimas graçias, salamat, merci buckets — Feeling Thankful
(JesseStay): Today I am thankful for time to spend with my family
(misc): thankful twitter is working today, more or less! [wink]
(DouglasSarine): I am thankful for food…and each of you. Seriously good stuff…you guys too.
Sent at 10:04 AM on Thursday
twitter: bpm140: Thankful for my wonderful wife, beautiful children, fantastic friends and all the great opportuities I’m lucky to have. Happy Thanksgiving!
twitter: (wasabineko): Venture Bros. Season 3 not premiering until June ;~; Well played, announcing on the “just be thankful” day. Well played indeed.
(noebie): being thankful for 28) faith, and those who have kept it
Sent at 10:07 AM on Thursday
twitter: (tychay): I have a lot to be thankful for; I hope you do to. Thank you!
(bryc3): thankful for all the hard work of @tempo, @monstro, @jah, @merci, @suttree and all other non-twitter portfolio peeps!
(schulz): I’m thankful for Kyra and Zoe
twitter: (jasonhe): Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Right now, I’m thankful for having the opportunity to sleep 12 hours last night.
(essl): I’m thankful for prescription pain killers and Back To The Future.
(rjbudke): Things I’m Thankful For: The greatest dog in the world
(alexknowshtml): hey internet friends, i’m thankful for all of you!
(joshbandyface): Im thankful for all of you guys. Happy thanksgiving!
Sent at 10:13 AM on Thursday
twitter: (flawedartist): Happy thankgiving everyone! If there’s one thing I’m really thankful for, it’s for the beautiful friends I have (that means you Vince)

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  1. Pingback: BlueBlog: Thanking The Individuals Who Make Us Great

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