“What is Google’s cloud? It’s a network made of hundreds of thousands, or by some estimates 1 million, cheap servers, each not much more powerful than the PCs we have in our homes.”
Rhapsody has created a Facebook app.
The Richter Scales have re-released their Web 2.0 Bubble video and provided this list of credits for the media used in the video
Monthly Archives: December 2007
links for 2007-12-18
A good overview of Amazon SimpleDB
Fred Wilson is bullish on AMZN.
Derek hits the nail on the head with this analysis of the Lane Hartwell / Richter Scales copyright dispute
“Putting our productions online shouldn’t mean that we give up all claims and possibility of profiting from it and we should discourage those who abuse this.”
“U.S. Copyright law is and always has been a balance between the rights of original creators and the rights of the public and subsequent creators to use copyrighted material.”
“You no longer need to be an expert in large-scale computing, instead you can rely on your common sense and existing solutions.”
links for 2007-12-17
“… the new San Francisco cinema is the second in a planned chain of classy cinemas that combine film and fine dining in a comfortable space that feels more like an arts center than a multiplex.”
A framework for evaluating new product ideas
links for 2007-12-16
Glowing review of Wesabe momey management tool
links for 2007-12-15
Are you a microcelebrity?
“Here are players mentioned in the Mitchell Commission report and how it links them to performance-enhancing substances”
Safe to say that Canseco won’t be getting a Christmas card from A-Rod this year
“Amazon SimpleDB provides a simple web services interface to create and store multiple data sets, query your data easily, and return the results.”