A great overview of Twitter by Dan Farber
Cool Twitter visualization. Uses data from the summize Twitter search engine.
Monthly Archives: April 2008
links for 2008-04-28
Streaming app for Sirius (beta)
Scans your followers and identifies potential spammers based on 1) how many people they are following and 2) Following:Followers ratio
A tool for identifying spammers in your Followers list based on # of people they are following and Following:Followers ratio
links for 2008-04-25
They have a wonderfully simple API with a yes/no response: http://twitterblacklist.com/api?username
The comments are interesting. Half the commenters think Twitter is a joke.
Similar to Muxtpate
A cool Greasemonkey script that used the Twitter Blacklist. Go to a spammer’s Twitter profile page and you’ll see a big warning.
links for 2008-04-23
Twitter Twerp Scanner is a tool for identifying spammers in your followers list
Twitter Twerp Scanner is a tool for identifying spammers in your followers list
Hilarious word for word reading of a spam email
Interesting use of Twitter
links for 2008-04-22
Speculation about bringing Frank Thomas, Barry Bonds, or both to the A’s. I think they should do it.
Party schedule for Web 2.0 Expo