Author Archives: mdoeff

links for 2009-03-26

links for 2009-03-25

  • Worth listening to if you live in San Francisco and have kids
  • "…in pursuit of revenue, Twitter faces the same challenge that has dogged social-networking platforms like Facebook. If advertisers can tap into its network free of charge, why would they pay the company to do so?

    Twitter co-founder Biz Stone says the San Francisco start-up is watching the outside initiatives closely as it prepares to launch its own fee-based services this year, but doesn't view them as competition. "We want to work with those companies that are already making an effort," he says. "

    Mr. Stone says Twitter recently hired a product manager to oversee the development of commercial accounts. The accounts would offer users more features in exchange for a fee, but Mr. Stone says Twitter hasn't set a launch date for them.

    (tags: twitter)

Mark the Date – Twitter Is Running Real Ads Now

Last week, Twitter started to run house ads on the Twitter home page. Now it appears that they’re running real revenue-generating ads. Just a few minutes ago I saw a text ad for Tweetie, which is a very popular Twitter app for the iPhone. They’re also running ads for Twittervision and the recently launched ExecTweets.

It’ll be interesting to see how quickly they ramp this up over the next few weeks.


links for 2009-03-23

links for 2009-03-17