"To make it easier to consume, I’ve broken down the quotes into two sets of five each (one set on Management and the other on Leadership)."
Author Archives: mdoeff
links for 2009-01-13
"Our efforts need to aim forward, not backward. We need to improve what we do today with the ultimate goal of changing the way we work and connect with co-workers, customers, suppliers, shareholders, and other system participants. Social technologies should change the world of work – applied to not just to marketing and IT, but also HR, finance, legal, and every other functional area. And potentially change the functions that exist at all."
links for 2009-01-11
(via Kottke)
I don't think I'll be dropping my iPhone but it's very exciting to see Palm giving Apple a run for its money
links for 2008-12-31
Top 10 new Bay Area restaurants according to Michael Bauer
Excellent list of companies on Twitter (via @abdur)
links for 2008-12-23
Pretty funny