Rock Health is a new seed accelerator for health startups. It’s like a Y Combinator for healthcare. This is how they describe their program on their About page:
Do you have an idea or startup that’s working to solve a health-related issue? Apply to join Rock Health, a group of dedicated individuals working to catalyze innovation in the interactive health space, and gain to access our unrivaled community of experts and seed-accelerator program.
Startups partake in an intensive 5-month program, turning ideas into products and businesses. Our next class will begin in January 2012.
A few of days ago, their class of 2011 presented at Rock Health’s first “Demo Day” in San Francisco. I didn’t attend the event but I was able to follow some of it on Twitter by searching the #rockdemo hashtag. Many of these companies are still early stage and haven’t publicly launched their products yet.
Here’s a rundown of the companies that presented.
The best free way to manage your healthcare expenses
Twitter: @cakehealth
2. Omada Health
We’re revolutionizing health care through group-based programs for chronic disease prevention.

3. BigEvidence
The universe of medical evidence – at your fingertips
4. Skimble
Fun mobile applications that help you stay healthy & fit
Mobile App: App Store, Android Marketplace
Twitter: @skimble
5. Genomera
We’re crowd-sourcing health discovery by helping anyone create group health studies.
Twitter: @genomera

6. WeSprout
Parenting is tough! Whether you’re facing a fever or potty training, WeSprout helps you make great decisions. We safely monitor your child’s health records and give you access to resources, useful data, and a community of parents who’ve been there before.
Twitter: @WeSprout
Cardio doesn’t have to be boring
Twitter: @BitGym
8. Pipette
Spot medical patterns. Reduce complications.
Twitter: @UsePipette

9. HeartBeat
What makes your heartbeat?
Twitter: @heartbeat
10. BrainBot
Train your brain to be calm and focused
Twitter: @BrainBot

11. CellScope
CellScope uses patent-pending optical attachments to turn smartphones into a diagnostic-quality imaging systems for telemedicine, skincare and education.
Twitter: @CellScope
12. Crohnology
The Crohn’s & Colitis Patient-to-Patient Information Sharing Platform
Twitter: @Crohnology
12. HealthInReach
Pay out of pocket. Save big.
Twitter: @HealthInReach

- Nailed. It. (Rock Health Blog)
- RockHealth Demo Day shows off some cool health apps (VentureBeat)
- A Post-Demo Day Look at Three Rock Health Startups – WeSprout, Pipette, and BrainBot (Wade Roush, Xconomy)
- #RockDemo tweets