"TechCrunch is not a marketing plan. You need to be out in the world, going after your own customers, treating them well, earning their admiration and recommendations, and continuing to build your business for the future. "
Author Archives: mdoeff
links for 2009-01-27
"…no matter how innocuous your individual tweets, the aggregate ends up being the foundation of a scary-deep self-portrait. It's like a psychographic version of strip poker—I'm disrobing, 140 characters at a time."
links for 2009-01-26
Recent article about GE's deployment of Aravo's (where I work now) Supplier Information Management (SIM) product.
links for 2009-01-23
"[Biz Stone] said that tracking keywords for companies, giving companies an official presence on the site and helping them to introduce themselves to customers were all possible revenue generators. Read between the lines here; this means advertising, paid placement, data mining and monitoring (brand and reputation management)."
"Within the next 10 days, Twitter will start putting search into the Twitter home pages of about 1 per cent of users, to test the waters and ask for feedback, before rolling it out across the network, Mr Stone said."
links for 2009-01-20
3-D photo of Barack Obama's created using Microsoft Photosynth