Tag Archives: 2000's tech
Steve Jobs 5/30/2007, at D5 Conference
Improved international Flickr maps
One of the only knocks against Flickr’s new geotagging service has been the lack of detailed maps for non-U.S. locations. It’s good to see that they’re making progress on expanding the maps. When I saw that they recently added maps for Bora Bora I decided to upload my honeymoon photos from 5 years ago. Check them out on a map here.
Flickr’s new Geotagging Service
I’m loving Flickr’s new geotagging service. And apparently a lot of other people love it too. According to Flickr co-founder Stewart Butterfield, 1.2 million photos were geotagged in the first 24 hours.

Zooomr 2.0 has launched
After a rough week for the upstart photo sharing site (they cancelled their re-launch last Friday due to a denial-of-service attack), Zooomr 2.0 is now available. I haven’t spent a lot of time on there yet but so far I’m impressed. The geotagging function is great.
TechCrunch recently previewed Zooomr 2.0.