More details today on new software from Slingbox today that will allow you to access your home TV/DVR from mobile devices running Microsoft’s Windows Mobile Platform versions 4.0 or 5.0.
From the article:
You can watch your home TiVo from the back seat of a car driving on the 101,” Krikorian said.
“You can watch ‘Lost’ the day after it airs without paying two bucks,” added Sling Media PR director Brian Jaquet, in a reference to the television programs sold on Apple’s iTunes for viewing on an iPod.
The New York times ran a good article today about my beloved Slingbox. The article mentions that there will be an announcement in January about the Slingbox being available on the Mac. It also looks like support for Slingbox on Windows Mobile is coming soon.
This weekend I finally broke down and bought one and I have to say, this is a very, very cool product. As soon as you start to use it, you wonder how you were able to get by without it. If you have any need for accessing your TiVo or cable system from anywhere (from work, from a hotel, from the airport, from a different room in your house, etc.), then you need to go out and get this product. The set-up is quick, it’s not too expensive, and there is no monthly service fee. Below is a screenshot showing the TiVo remote and the screen. All of the TiVo remote functions are available – you can watch recorded shows, watch live TV, record new shows, you can even do the hidden TiVo 30-second commercial skip feature.