Google launched Google+ Pages to allow companies and brands to connect with their customers. Danny Sullivan (SearchEngineLand) wrote a thorough overview. You can create a new Google+ page here.
This is the introductory video from Google:

Many people were excited about this announcement, but there were some critics. Some common complaints were:
- It’s not designed for large companies who have multiple people managing the account (Robert Scoble)
- It’s too easy to claim a brand that isn’t yours (ITWorld)
My take? Hopefully the Google+ team is listening closely and will address these issues in the near future.
If you’re looking for companies & brands to circle on Google+, just type in “+” followed by the brand name in the Google+ search box. Here are some brands that I’ve circled:
Google+, This Week In Tech (TWiT), TechCrunch, ReadWriteWeb, Mashable, NPR, NPR Fresh Air, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, WIRED, San Francisco Giants.
Other Tech News This Week
- Zynga is planning an IPO after Thanksgiving (Bloomberg)
- Yelp is rumored to be planning an IPO in early 2012 (WSJ)
- Salesforce launches a new collaboration platform called Currently invitation-only (ReadWriteWeb)
- Amazon announced more apps for the Kindle Fire (VentureBeat)
- Is Google launching Google Music next week? (The Verge)
- Bank Simple rebrands as Simple, opens beta (VentureBeat)
- Apple release iOS 5.0.1 to fix issues with battery life but the issue still persists (All Things D)
- FireFox 8 is released
- Charlie Rose interviews Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg