Tag Archives: predictions

On My Radar – January 2023

Twin Peaks – Sunset watchers

      I’ll be updating this throughout the month

      Prediction: Lifecasting With Your Camera Phone

      A year from now we will be using our camera phones (in video mode) to “lifecast” selected events to a network of friends. It’ll work something like this:

      Go to camera phone mode and hit a broadcast option. Optionally include a description of the event – e.g. “My son is walking for the first time.”

      My Friends:
      Receive a text message that I’m broadcasting an event called “My son is walking for the first time.” Even better, they would hear about it through Twitter. They can click a link to watch the event in real-time. If they decline, they can come back later to watch it on the web. All of my lifecast events would be on that web page, similar to a personalized YouTube channel. Only my friends would be able to view the videos unless I designate them as public.

      There will be all kinds of products built around this – lanyards to carry the cell phone so that you can do hands-free broadcasting from you point of view, tiny camera attachments/extensions that can be clipped on (e.g. to a baseball hat like Justin.tv), car dashboard mounts to allow you to broadcast as you’re driving your car, etc.

      So who’s going to build this? Or am I just drinking too much Justin.tv Kool-Aid? Here’s Justin describing his vision for the future of Justin.tv. He envisions “a network of lifecasters.”

      Whoa – Radar.net is already there. See it in action on ScobleShow.