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Monthly Archives: July 2008
links for 2008-07-22
“It may seem counterintuitive given Twitter’s expressive constraints, but stating a thought in a 140 characters or less can be a rich, illuminating experience. Is it blogging? Who cares.”
Twitter gets some coverage from the mainstream press
“Today sees the launch of Favtape, a new mashup that mixes Pandora, Last.fm, Seeqpod, and Slinkset to offer full playback of your favorite songs on demand, without any limitations.”
links for 2008-07-19
Interesting concept – charge third parties a premium for real-time data
links for 2008-07-18
Various iPhone tips
links for 2008-07-17
“As a symbol of health and wellness, nothing surpasses the simple push-up.”
To save the photo to your iPhone just press your finger on the photo and hold it there for a couple of seconds.
From the creators of I Can Has Cheezeburger